Sunday, February 3, 2008

Curtains: what for fruit and with what it eat?

Initially curtains intended for protection against draughts and the bright sun. Now it is not so simple means for creation of cosy and comfortable conditions in the house. Curtains became the important element of a decor. At a choice of an interior of apartment the design of curtains plays very important role.

There is a huge variety of curtains. For example, the usual curtains which have become already habitual for each, are simply removed in the parties and open a kind on street. "Rolled" are braided, completely responding the name (by the way, such kind of curtains is used for illumination adjustment indoors). Similar function is carried out also by the Roman curtains combined by an accordion. They move vertically, unlike the usual. And here the French curtains (or marquises) rise only half. To give elegance to the collected waves, marquises do of a thin and easy material. A similar kind of curtains apply in concert halls and official establishments more often.

However the design of curtains is not limited to it. As well as in clothes where often mix different styles and directions, in curtains the increasing popularity is got by combinations from two different cloths. For example, thin and transparent curtains close a window, and dense and heavy frame it on each side. In such variant thin curtains decorate a window all year long, and dense and heavy are used only during winter time.

But a little simply to get the liked variant of curtains, it is necessary to choose worthy fixture still.

Ways of fastening of curtains on eaves happen different. As one of leaders of sales now are considered ljuversy - the apertures edged by metal in the top part of a curtain through which the eaves are passed. They are followed by loops or rings which fasten to curtains by means of clips (klips). Curtains which are attached to a bar by bows very elegantly and adequately look. There, where the window sill begins, it is possible to take curtains. Than? The uniform rule is not present, here can be both usual tapes, and leather thongs, both chains, and cords. Such variants have got accustomed for a long time in our houses. The most simple way of fastening is the method at which a seam on an upper edge it is simple zastrachivaetsja, and then the thin eaves there are passed.

The eaves, by the way, too play not last role in design of a window. And its style accessories (in turn, define rings, arms, holders, tips etc.). The form of eaves is various - the general rule is not present. It can be both pyramids, and arrows, both spheres, and snakes, and leaves. Materials from which produce eaves, are less various. Basically it is metal, a tree or glass.

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At you in a room style "country" it is necessary to use shod and wooden eaves reigns.
They are looked very romantically. If your window is dressed up in natural fabrics it is recommended to pay attention to eaves-ropes. Well and the classical interior with multilayered window draperies will not do without eaves from bronze or a brass with interesting tips.

Such variant will be interesting to admirers of minimalism: the bar is passed through apertures in the curtain. And any klips! Such elements of a decor of curtains, as lambrekeny are Now still fashionable. Following last novelties of a fashion, lambreken it is necessary to throw over eaves bar that looks carelessly enough.

Curtains - a thing which does our house more cosy

Curtains it is clothes of any premise, they do it more cosy, bring finishing line in all interior. That curtains really supplemented internal space of a premise, they should be picked correctly up, and it is even better, if curtains are sewed to order, according to sketches which the designer has developed for your premise.

Basis of activity of firms on tailoring is tailoring of curtains, therefore we are ready to offer you any curtains which will underline individual character of dwelling.

It is very important to pick up a fabric for curtains. After all tailoring of curtains of identical design from different materials has the features, and such curtains differently will look. The curtains individually sewed for this or that premise can visually make it more widely, already or above. Curtains can influence mood and create original atmosphere in the house.

We make curtains of all kinds which it is a lot of and which have the differences. Tailoring of curtains of classical type uses the greatest popularity as these curtains approach practically for any interior. They betray to a premise elegance, a glamour and are the main detail of all interior.

In the big premises the Austrian curtains will be perfectly looked. These curtains have set of the big horizontal folds which do their volume and a little grandiose. With the Austrian curtains have much in common and the French curtains. Tailoring of curtains of the French type as assumes presence of folds, but at the Austrian curtains of a fold are present even at the lowered status, unlike the Austrian.

As we carry out tailoring of curtains of the Roman type. These curtains use the big popularity. If these curtains have been correctly sewed, they will be looked very beautifully in any premise. The Roman curtains as have small horizontal folds and are an excellent ornament even for very big windows. To be carried out they as can from various materials as lungs, and there are enough massive

There are as more many various kinds of curtains which we are ready to sew for you. If you cannot choose a suitable variant of ready samples of curtains our designers always will help you to be defined with what design of curtains to you it is more to like and what curtains will be combined in the best way with a premise interior. We carry out tailoring of curtains of any design and from any materials in the shortest terms. Therefore, if you wish to receive beautiful curtains which will ideally approach for your house - address to us.

History of curtains. 19 centuries.

The history of window curtains and curtains totals some millenia. Curtains do a premise rather cosy. To difficult itself to present dwelling without the curtains, whatever modest was its furniture. Usually, people prefer the big windows, that on the one hand allows to submit beautifully curtains, and with another - the room does not look too dark. The window decor as a rule consists of several elements: eaves, a frill, one or two curtains. In 19th century eaves, as a rule, painted and put gilding or used colored a bar. The frill hanged down from the eaves, supported by two rings.

Curtains, frills and draperies were produced from the most different materials which structure included natural fibres (flax, a clap, a wool). Appearance of curtains strongly depended on furnish of premises. Internal furnish represented a layer of a flannel which served as additional protection against influence of an environment and helped to achieve the necessary tightness of curtains. Internal furnish was used with heavy (brocade, velveteen) and expensive fabrics (the wool and silk), is much more rare - with a clap.

In the middle of 19th century the carved gilt or metal eaves with stamping have come on replacement to architectural eaves and bars. Such eaves were usually decorated by frills which have received the name lambreken. Lambreken became the integral element of a decor of a window. Under curtains the Swiss or Nottingham laces, usually, were hung up.

Bars for a drapery fastened to a stucco moulding decorating a window. In rooms with a low ceiling eaves and lambreken usually had as much as possible highly not to close a window. If the window was unduly narrow, chose a bar which would leave for a stucco moulding on 15-20 centimetres. Thus, the window became visually wider, and the room - is more light. The length of curtains paid off so that last got to a floor after assemblages have already been made. Assemblages could be the most different, for example curtains could represent a long loop from silk or a cord from a wool which was suspended for a hook hanging at level of 1 metre above a floor. Also used special wooden and metal krepezhi. By the end of 19 centuries architectural extravagances as, however, and curtains to a floor have got out of fashion. Usually a basis for curtains were the clap, flax and a wool. The smartest kind was reached by use of a different kind of brocade, sateen, a taffeta and cotton velvet. As silk was inaccessible to people from middle class, to an ornament of drawing rooms, table, and libraries the preference was given to a wool. In bedrooms the clap and a chintz prevailed. In receptions, usually, used the most expensive fabrics which tried to give unusual appearance.

In the middle of 19 centuries it was accepted to choose curtains according to a contrast principle. In sleeping rooms the analogy principle dominated. What material would not be used, the majority of critics refer to opinion, that transparent curtains in itself are a little attractive. In the summer in a room could hang up only curtains and lambreken from a lace, but in other season of a window demanded more serious approach. In last quarter of 19 centuries it became fashionable to hang up curtains in a doorway.

Versions of curtains

Versions of curtains. The Roman curtains.

The Roman curtains is the equal cloth of a fabric divided into equal sections. In each such section for its restriction and fixing horizontal rigid laths are sewed. The Roman curtains rise the same as horizontal jalousie: manually, having pulled for a management cord, or from the electric motor.

The Roman curtains it is convenient, is practical and very modern. Restrictions in a choice of a fabric for the Roman curtains practically does not exist. Curtains sew from a dense or thin fabric, from flax or a tulle. The fabric can be any - monophonic, stuffed, with beautiful drawing and even in the form of bamboo weaving. A fabric or a wattled tree, it is fixed on eaves in such a manner that management of the Roman curtain, forces a cloth to develop through equal intervals at lifting.

Versions of curtains. The Japanese curtains.

The Japanese curtains represent system of the fabric or tulle panels fixed on special eaves and having utjazhelitelnuju a lath on a bottom edge of a product. Such system can have unilateral or central razdvizhku and copes by means of a cord. It is actively used not only in ethnic interiors, but also in the minimalist. The Japanese panels can serve for registration of a window aperture, and also carry out a screen or partition role.

Versions of curtains. The Italian curtains.

The Italian curtains are known for that are gracefully pulled together with the cords going on a diagonal by the ends of eaves, curtains completely are not moved apart. Cords are passed through the rings fixed from a wrong side. For the Italian curtains the standard eaves with a rail can be used.

Versions of curtains. The London curtains.

The London curtains turn out from the soft fabric kept in lifted position by tapes and forming a garland. It not functional, but especially decorative curtains, therefore they are always permanently fixed on eaves with "Velcro - a tape". This model is usually used in registration of a window of kitchen, a bathroom or a nursery, and here lambreken as the London curtain in a combination to portieres will be entered and in other premises.

Versions of curtains. The French curtains.

The French curtains unlike the Austrian have assemblage on all length. These curtains happen operated and decorative. The French curtains formed of equal semicircular folds of a fabric. They can be seen at theatre, restaurant, in assembly halls and receptions … the French curtain is distinguished by the grandiosity, the underlined luxury. They will well be entered in an interior of the room issued in classical style and arranged with period furniture.

In the lifted status the French curtain can be mixed with Austrian, but, if to lower a cloth, the difference becomes obvious - the French curtain looks like the scallops collected on all surface. It is fine combined with lambrekenami, heavy portieres and, unlike the Austrian curtain, can be length to a floor.

To manufacturing of the French curtains are applied silk (superseded recently by polyester), and also a translucent tulle.

Versions of curtains. The Austrian curtains.

The Austrian curtains represent a fabric collected on a bottom edge in magnificent scallops. The upper edge is collected gardinnoj by a tape, paternal a matter when curtains are lifted, falls from above soft decorative folds, forming scallops. Thanks to the soft folds the Austrian curtains are well looked with frills or a fringe on each side or to a bottom edge.

The principle of the Austrian curtain can be used also in lambrekene. Such curtains and lambrekeny if at their manufacturing materials with a brilliant surface - silk are applied, a taffeta, polyester are especially effective. If the translucent, air curtain is required, usually it is sewed from a veil.

Versions of curtains. Rolled curtains.

Now often enough the problem of registration of a window dares by means of rolled curtains - the rectangular curtains equipped spring or tsepochnym with the mechanism, allowing to lift them by winding on the platen-eaves. Rolled curtains under the catalogue from translucent to completely lightproof from fabrics «BLACK OUT», rolled curtains with fixing on a frame in the various ways.

Rolled curtains represent a cloth of a fabric which is turned off in an accurate roll over a window aperture by means of the reliable and simple mechanism. Some kinds of fabrics become impregnated with special structure and get pyleottalkivajushchie, antistatic and antibacterial properties that allows to use them in registration of nurseries, improving and medical institutions. Modern fabrics used in manufacture of rolled curtains possess also a number of advantages, durable, high-strength, steady against differences of the temperatures, not supporting burning - these fabrics find application in interiors of business centres, pools, motor shows, trading complexes, houses and apartments.

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